Like no other

We offer our partners direct access to our brand and exclusive opportunities to grow their business. Together, we unlock a world of opportunities.

Direct servicing
to our partners

Our streamlined supply chain is designed to directly serve our decorators, agencies, brands, promotional product distributors (PPDs), and print-on-demand (POD) partners, enabling them to scale and grow their businesses.

As partners, you get direct access to our entire product assortment (all styles and colors), top-quality information, training and support to effectively promote the collection.

We've established a strategic partnership with global logistics leader DSV to manage our state-of-the art warehouse in Los Angeles, ensuring the highest service quality and consistency.

Prime support from
distribution with SanMar

Through our exclusive distribution partnership with SanMar, we provide nationwide service and support from Day 1.

With 10 strategically located warehouses, 99% of US deliveries reach their destinations within a single day, ensuring fast and efficient fulfillment. SanMar puts their robust logistic network and commercial support at your service and deliver coast-to-coast excellence.

Prime support from
our passionate US staff

Our dedicated local customer team helps our partners optimize customer satisfaction and grow their business.

We offer personalized guidance on our brand and collection, along with industry-leading support tailored to their unique needs. We provide the widest range of high-quality online and offline resources.

We help them thrive with industry-leading products and services.

decoration lab

Our Los Angeles-based decoration lab is fully equipped to showcase our entire collection along with decoration equipment.

Our local experts help partners achieve top-quality decoration on our premium garments, delivering perfect results from the first try.

They support in elevating ideas, enhancing customer satisfaction, and optimizing ROI by bringing creative visions to life.